Re: Trouble going back to sleep

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Trouble going back to sleep

Post by Oneironaut »

I am a sporadic lucid dreamer and would love to learn how to have an OBE.
I have read the book and instructions, but face a rather odd obstacle!
My main problem with lucid dreaming is being able to fall asleep again after 5 or 6 hours of sleep. When I mange to do so I occasionally have a lucid dream, but not always. I have tried several techniques to fall asleep, but most of them do the exact oppisite, namely keep me even more awake.
I have litterally lain still for 2 or 3 hours at a time not moving totally relaxed focussed on my breathing and being aware to no avail. I get to a point where I don't feel my body anymore other than my lungs throat and head. So not falling asleep is a pretty big obstacle, and the fact that one should wake and fall asleep multiple times in the morning to try and "eject" well, that seems totally impossible! Any ideas?
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Re: Trouble going back to sleep

Post by Rudolph »

Hi Oneironaut, I think that problem is not as 'odd' as you think. Many aspiring projectors experience insomnia after focusing intently on relaxation for over an hour. I know it happened to me numerous times. It wasn't such a bad thing though, because it is an opportunity to learn about the various states of consciousness that we can drift into at times.

Have you read the SOBT free ebook? (you can click on the link at the bottom of this page). After a couple dozen pages you should have the tools to make a better effort than just laying there trying to get more relaxed.
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Re: Trouble going back to sleep

Post by LucidDreaming »

How much time are you staying awake? Maybe 1 minute is enough for you? Do not stay for 10+ mins.

Try waking up after 4.5 hours. you still have a chance of getting into Phase (Lucid Dreaming and OBE are one and the same).

You won't fall asleep if you concentrate on something. We fall asleep, after our minds start wondering. So let your thoughts flow. Visualize specific scene and drift into it. :)
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Re: Trouble going back to sleep

Post by Rudolph »

This happened to me sometimes when I was starting to learn this and on my early projections. And I have seen others mention it too... a night of several projections and then getting up in the morning feeling like I had not slept a wink.

It might just be a stage we go through because it does not happen to me anymore.
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Re: Trouble going back to sleep

Post by bluremi »

When I do cycles I automatically fall asleep.

In fact, it's kind of a hindrance since no matter how hard I concentrate or what time of day it is, I fall asleep no later than cycle 5. Sometimes I can't get past cycle 3.

(Note: by cycles I mean 10 seconds of forced-falling-asleep, 10 seconds of observing images, 10 seconds of listening in, 10 seconds of rubbing hands together, repeat)

Have you tried doing cycles instead of just lying there?
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