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Previous life

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:17 am
by ShiNiS
I read a good theory about astral body and how to know about your previous life so I suddenly came with question: Can I see what I've been in previous lifes throught phase? Because you're using astral body in your phase and your astral body have all coded information from previous lifes and body have his own magnetic radiation and like this our body leaves information with is collected by our astral body . If we try to get in that coded information maybe we could see what we were like and what mistakes we done?

Re: Previous life

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 1:34 pm
by breadbassed
Im pretty sure you could view your past lives in the phase, but wouldn't be entirely sure how to go about it.  I've been thinking about his recently also.

I thought of creating a tv, with a dvd player and inserting my 'past lives' dvd and pressing play. Could be interesting to see what happens.

Re: Previous life

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:19 pm
by Summerlander
Yes, people, but what if there was no past life and when you enter the phase and ask for this, all you'll get is whatever your unconscious mind can conjure up?  How will you know the difference between what is a real memory and what is imagined?  Consider all of this plus the fact that we also experience false memories in this current life (which is the only one we have proof of as we experience it).

Re: Previous life

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 3:30 pm
by BK
Dr. Ian Stevenson has THE BOOK on this subject.
20 Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation

Re: Previous life

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:28 pm
by breadbassed
Summerlander wrote: Yes, people, but what if there was no past life and when you enter the phase and ask for this, all you'll get is whatever your unconscious mind can conjure up?  How will you know the difference between what is a real memory and what is imagined?  Consider all of this plus the fact that we also experience false memories in this current life (which is the only one we have proof of as we experience it).
I agree there is no way it can be proven, and it could be just a creation of one's mind, and not real, but i think it could still create some interesting phase experiences, perhaps you could talk to one of them, get their name and details, and look them up later on the internet, lol  :P

Re: Previous life

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:03 pm
by ShiNiS
Yes there is a possibility that it  can be not real, but it can be real because when you sleep your  magnetic field gains all access to your previous lifes so if you can control your astral body that shouldn't be hard