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Mutual phase (astral projection)

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 7:11 pm
by Palmer
Hi, All. Sorry for my language, I'm not a native speaker and trying my best)

I have a brother, we are twins. When we were children we experienced spontaneous phases (astral projections) both and at the same time. We both got the same impressions and have the same memories about those projections. One of the phases (astral projections) happened during midday sleep in the kindergarden. We were about 6 years old. We awoke at the same time when other children were still sleeping. It was a strange beam that waked us up. It was playing on the wall in front of us. The beam then started to grow and opened a screen as if someone turned on a projector, it was pretty bright despite the sunlight. And a movie started inside the screen. We watched it together and saw the same story. The story filled us with unexplained fear and we fell asleep after it finished. This is just one of our mutual phase (astral projection).

How would you explain that?

Re: Mutual astral projection

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:21 am
by Palmer
Another mutual phase (astral projection).

I have memories from my childhood about flying with my brother. I remember it in details as we were flying many times in our native town down the street where we lived, down the slope and riverside and in some other places we know well... We thought that we did it in reality because we both remember those flyings, we learned some tricks how to do them in the air and were teaching of them each other.

It was amazing and funny! The most amazing thing was a catching the wind like birds. You feel a wind flow, then you are stretching your hands and gliding without any efforts. You can hang in the air without any notable movement like a seagull. We saw other children watching us and were very proud of our successes)

Re: Mutual astral projection

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:44 pm
by Palmer
In adolescence sometimes we experienced a sleep paralysis which was accompanied by a vision as if huge black shadow was crawling on the ceiling. There was no mutual phases any more. I mean the phases (astral projections) that would occur simultaneously. However the description of the visions was same. Probably this can be explaned by the fact that we are twins and have similar psyches. But the very first mutual phases (astral projections) cannot be explained that way. I am still puzzled by it even after so many years have passed.

Re: Mutual phase (astral projection)

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:50 am
by Summerlander
It is possible that, because you have similar brains and have led similar lives (or at least have been exposed to similar things) you are likely to have similar experiences which often appear to synchronised.  Like the bizarre synchronised speeches of twins.  Either that or twins are really prone to having strong telepathic links.

Re: Mutual phase (astral projection)

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 5:53 am
by Palmer
Summerlander, it does not explain everything unless we assume telepathic links as a part of our reality. As far as I know there is no any reliable prove of that. On the other hand, we cannot absolutely trust our memories, especially when it concerns our childhood... Yeah...

Re: Mutual phase (astral projection)

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:39 pm
by Palmer
The story we were watching in the kindergarden was about one creature. It was like monkey but slightly different. The story started with views of the hills covered by tall grass. The big flowers were scattered over the hills. There was feeling of peace all around that land. We heard sounds of wind blowing, grass sways - all those sounds of nature. Then suddenly small dot appeared on the far hilltop and started toward us. We were watching it's descending and approaching us. It took approximately 2-3 mins. Then he stoped at the edge of the screen and we were able to glimpse some features of that creature. He was small like a marmoset, big-eared, with a long tail. He started making faces, waving to us, but we got paralyzed and neither me nor my brother moved in response. We only looked at each other and kept on watching the scene. The creature got angry and we felt his evil nature. It was obvious at the very that moment that the creature can harm. Then he turned away and started back to the hilltop. Sometimes he made stops to make gestures to us. After he disappeared the screen faded and we lay down in beds for sleep. This story we both remember well enough.

Re: Mutual phase (astral projection)

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:43 am
by BK
There are several possibilities.
1.  Maybe you had a false awakening and believed you discussed this event with your twin..but it was still in a dream.
2.  In my days..we had real movie projectors.  Perhaps your teacher was setting up the machine for a movie after nap time and since sound and light can enter dreams, it entered both of your dreams.
  2b.  You may have been half awake and then fell back asleep and thought it was a dream.
3.  Aliens?  :)
4.  Maybe it was real.  Develop it and prove it to the world.  We now have the tools to really start exploring the truth in these issues.  I hope to hear about your success and so does

Re: Mutual phase (astral projection)

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:15 pm
by Summerlander

Re: Mutual phase (astral projection)

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:24 am
by Palmer
Guys, I really doubt if we can explore the truth of the events happened so long ago and became pure childhood memories.
We can just guess. I tried to reproduce something like that in a lucid dream but it did not work good enough.

Re: Mutual phase (astral projection)

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:50 am
by sarakkatz
Do you guys still experience the Mutual phase??