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Any exercise of meditation to get more possibilities to seperate

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:57 pm
by hanamichi
Could somebody please tell me any meditation exercises.And what is meditation?
Tnak You

Re: Any exercise of meditation to get more possibilities to seperate

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:13 am
by BK
Meditation is a practice of directing the mind onto a selected object.  It is a way to put the mind somewhat into your own control.  It sounds much easier than it really is.

I have found that during my waking periods of the deffered method, meditation seems to be a wholesome and fruitful activity as opposed to using gadgets.  Summerlander seems to indicate the same.

Basic meditation can be as simple as counting the outbreaths as they touch the external exit of the nose or upper lip.  Count to 8 or 10 and then start again.  You might go to advanced stages like seeing a light perception of the breath and absorption.
Mindulness of Breathing by Bhikkhu Nyanamoli is one of my favorites but a bit terse.

Another technique which is easier, is to focus on the belly movement as you breathe.

Lastly, Leberge mentions the 60 pt body meditation sequence in his book EWLD.  I had much success with this in my lucid dreaming days.

If you or anyone else want further assistance, I can help you offline. offers free 10 day retreats which leaves it to be more of an experiential experience.  I recommend this place highly. 

Re: Any exercise of meditation to get more possibilities to seperate

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:10 am
by hanamichi
Thank You very much for youre attention and the very extended and complete ansewr you gave me.This is of a greate help for me, I hope to get my brian to the level in which I can control my subconciense andseperate easily.
Happpy traveling to all!

Re: Any exercise of meditation to get more possibilities to seperate

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:41 pm
by Summerlander
I agree with BK.  Meditation can definitely help one to get into the phase.