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Dreaming contiesness

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:58 pm
by hanamichi
I was dreaming when I understood that it was a dream so I decided to seperate. But instead what happened is that I apeared in a room made of red bricks and I could feel the bricks with my hands, but suddenly I got blind so I thought I should open my eyes and I woke up. Why didnt I gate into the phase? or why didt I get blind and dient seperate well enough?

Re: Dreaming contiesness

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:13 pm
by Summerlander
hanamichi wrote: I was dreaming when I understood that it was a dream so I decided to seperate.
Let me stop you here.  You had already entered the phase.  There is no need to experience separation from the body when you are already aware that you are dreaming.  Lucid dreaming is being in the phase already.

On blindness.  You shouldn't try to open your eyes in the phase.  Just demand clarity and perform deepening.  For instance, I blow my hands, feel the friction, their warmth and try to see them.  I also blow on them and feel a stream of air.  Sensory amplification is a good key.

Opening eyes is pointless because there are no eyes to open.

Re: Dreaming contiesness

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:53 pm
by hanamichi
Thankyou for the explenation. Though it aint the first weird thing that happened, once I seperated and it was like I could feel mu physic body in bed and then in some moment I could feel my astral body standing in the room it was as if I was in the phase but in two bodys at the same time, I just cant get a correct seperation and I ve been trying for 2 months already and read the guide book. Could you give me any tip. i think the most problem i have is that even when I wake up I just have the feeling that Im to woken up to enter the phase I dont know if you understand what I meen or I just dont have enough counciesness to remebre the technys. ll critic and information is welcome.
Than You