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The Begining and the Adventure

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:43 pm
by clearchoice84
Thursday night 06/07/2012 i decided to try something different in my practices of trying to phase. I stumbled accross a website that showed a different technique to astral project.  Astral projection seems like a bit of a different concept than what Micheal talks about in his book.  It's a different experience than what most people talk about here. This website has a lot of different and interesting concepts so i decided to try the technique. I layed in bed after practicing the technique for a little while, i put on some traveling music. The experience i had was amazing.  My awareness was keen.  My sensations hightened.  It felt like i was galaxies away from my body and at the same time it felt like this space was within myself.  It felt like i was millions of miles from home but i know that i was peacefully laying in bed at the same time. I felt myself leaving my body through a vortex about a foot or so in front of my face.  As i was traveling i felt my body like floating or flying through this worm hole. It was amazing to travel this way. It was exzilerating.  I came across what seemed like space, stars and galaxies, it was so vast so infiniate, so endless.  I felt a sence of peace and calm like never before.  I was at one point a bit of a skeptic, thinking that perhaps these oobe or astral projections were not true. But now i know that they do exist.  Something told me, weather it was a being or my higher self, or guarding angel i have no idea, what ever it was, but i just got this sense, a feeling or emotion. It told me that nothing exsists with out it first being created in the mind.  WOW!  HOW POWERFUL IS THAT!  This kind of confirms that with the mind all things are possible.  OOBE, astral projection, nde, what ever you call it, IT IS REAL, if you can focus all of your mind body and soul, all of your intent, all of your will, everything that is you, and in you, on one goal.  This was an amazing first experience, was it not? I am now a firm believer.  I am going to start practicing and training as much as i can.  There is so much knowledge that we can tap in to here.

Re: The Begining and the Adventure

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:55 pm
by 12padams
Yep... On this website micheal states that astral projection, out of body experiences and lucid dreaming are all the same. Lucid dreaming however is actually what fits micheals description the best and really he just turns astral projection into lucid dreaming by saying that although people think its another dimension it's actually still just in the mind.

I am not here to promote the idea of either astral projection or lucid dreaming. In my opinion nobody should be telling you what your experiences are unless they are just stating what it could be or you don't like to decide for yourself. In the end however it's up to you to decide which theory is real.

For now I'll just tell you a little more about the theory of astral projection since you have an interest in it. The most important thing about it is that there are different dimensions found at different vibrational frequencies. The higher the vibrational frequency the more pure, light, positive and safe the dimension is. The lower it is, the more dangerous, evil and darker environments you will find.

The physical world itself is the dimension you find yourself in now. When you increase the vibrational frequency of your astral body you free yourself from your physical body and will find yourself in either the lower or higher astral dimension. The entities and creatures you find here have either just died or actually live there. It's best you move up to the higher astral dimension otherwise you will be surrounded by evil,deceiving and dangerous entities that will attempt to trick you into letting go of your physical body so that can possess you. In other words you will be left in the astral forever...

There are 7 higher dimensions however than you can explore other than the astral. From memory they go like this:
-----(above this people have different beliefs)

There's also the etheric dimension in between the astral and physical dimension. Etheric dimension entry is often called a "real time" or "etheric" projection. When in this state you can see physical the world as it actually is in real life and if you have enough energy you can partially interact with it or make yourself partially visible to physical people. Overall this is often used as a way to describe ghostly haunting effecting the physical world.

The problem however is that "how do you confirm it's all real and not in your head". People can tell you about these dimensions and you can find them but is your mind just making them from what's being said or are they actually real? What you need to help your beliefs is some personal proof.

For example back in 2009 before I knew about this "it's all in your head theory" I went on an astral projection forum and saw that they had planned to meet up in the astral and play astral tag. I couldn't astral project myself so I got the leader to pull me out of my body and boom... He remembered two things in order that I remembered from the experience without me telling him about them.

He has also told me that entities in the astral are trying to contact me and other people I know. He told me who these entities were but didn't tell the others and just said "look inside yourself and tell me what you see". Interestingly enough he was correct about what each person would see (e.g. God of the mountains for Chris and god of the sea for Daniel). At one point another member from this group I am apart of communicated with the entity connected to Chris (a skeptic) and got it to manipulate the physical electricity flowing through chris's guitar amp to create a bumping sound. It happened only the 3 times she told it to happen and didn't continue to happen once Chris left the guitar amp on without getting the entity to interact with it.

Overall it's up to each individual person to make their own choices about these things so I wish you have a fun and positive journey in the higher dimensions :)

Re: The Begining and the Adventure

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:45 am
by Luna
It told me that nothing exsists with out it first being created in the mind.
I just got goosebumps. That is SOOO cool! WOW. what a great first experience for you.

Re: The Begining and the Adventure

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 6:45 pm
by clearchoice84
I hear what you are saying 12padams. 
The whole astral projection concept of being more than our physical body and exsisting in alternate dimensions, as well as having other aspects of our physical bodies such as guardin angels, or higher selves, what ever people may call it, is something that i find intriguing and even kind of comforting.  The fact that we can tap into knowledge that dosent come from this 3d reality is amazing, even if it was just created in someone's head.  We all know that its been said that we only use 10% of our brains, etc.  What if this whole thing, astral projection, oobe, nde, what ever people want to call it is a way of us tapping in to our full potential?  Or maybe the experiences are actually legit and real. Maybe there is alternate planes of exsistance and realities. Its pretty exsiting. Maybe we do exsist on more than this 3d construct.  It definately seemed like it to me :)

I dont know... Ive been reading alot and learning about the astral projection aspect and belief system a little more than just the "phase" aspect, which i think astral projectors would call the fourth dimension, a plane of exsistance much like our own reality that can happen in real time.

What Ive been interested and reading about is our energy bodies, a body of energy which needs to be activated or awakened, a light body. Its an exstension of ourselves or an aspect of our higher selves.  Its so interesting to me. :)

But enough about all that :).  Im just a noobie.  Its all good.  Its all fun.  And the experience was awesome.  Im gonna keep training.  Ill let you know how things come along.  And if you have any tips, tricks, experiences you want to share please do. 

@ Luna: Thanks Luna :)  An amazing experience for sure.  Now i know for sure this is something i will continue to train an practice.  A definate life long change for me, and a new dedication. :) Love and light.


Re: The Begining and the Adventure

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 6:47 pm
by clearchoice84
Oh yea sorry bout all the smileys guys, im just siked! This is awesome!

Re: The Begining and the Adventure

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:21 pm
by clearchoice84
Last night i practiced astral projection again.  I did my technique i use while listening to traveling music. After about 15 to 20 min i went and laid in bed i began to focus my will and intent. Slowly but surely i started to see a small vortex in front of my face start to form. at first it just looks kind of like a blueish or grayish shadow spining clockwise in front of me. i focus on that point with all of my attention. I don't know how long it took but after a while of focusing it seemed like i was in the vortex as floating and a free feeling came about me. I remember after a while of just focusing all of a sudden, like a light switch got turned on, a stream of blue or purple colors began to stream my way. It was almost like a lazer light show with geometric shapes. i focused intently on this as it shifted and moved and danced before my eyes. mean while the awesome sensations of lightness and floating was indescribable.  after soom time of following the light show it seemed like i could see shadows or faces as i traveld by.  but at some point i became exhausted and it seemed like i got snapped back into my body. because of this and how exhausted i had become i just decided to roll over and go to sleep. This morning i feel really drained.  I feel almost hung over but i hadn't drank any alchohol at all.  i might give it a rest for a couple nights, regain some energy again. ill give it another try in a few days again.

Re: The Begining and the Adventure

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:17 pm
by Galaad
Hello Clearchoice,

Would you mind to share the website where you've found this method wich seems to be very interesting ?

thank you

Oh and by the way, great experience :) !

Re: The Begining and the Adventure

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:20 pm
by Summerlander
It told me that nothing exsists with out it first being created in the mind.
I think your subconscious was letting you know that as long as your mind is bubbling with concepts that a reality will always exist for you.  It is an ambiguous statement for the following reasons... 

Many believe that consciousness has created the physical universe.  I disagree.  It was the physical universe that gave rise to consciousness and there is evidence of this in its evolution.

Another more mundane way of interpreting what you heard in that state is that reality will exist for you as long as your brain is accordingly functional and being sensitive to the real physical world (which exists independent of whether you are conscious or not).  In this case, and for the sake of precision, an addition needs to be implemented in the quote above:

"It told me that nothing exists for me without it first being created in the mind."

But perhaps your guardian angel didn't feel the need to mention that if the guardian angel really was an unconscious aspect of yourself bringing a great fantasy to life and providing the wowing factor. ;D

It is all the phase, mate.  I've travelled through wormholes.  I've been in space.  On Mars. Seen other galaxies up close.  I've even been to Summerland (Upper Astral Plane).  I've had guides, hooded figures, even angels and aliens (oh, and the deceased (!)) and all with Michael Raduga's techniques - and let's face it, that SOBT pretty much covers every practical thing. 

Everything mentioned does provide the sense of adventure that we all crave for and the phase creates that for us.  The reality of it all is that these scenarios, these magical environments... whatever you want to call them... originate from ideas and concepts in your head (which, in most cases, have already been introduced earlier in waking life i.e. I wouldn't have visited "Summerland" if I had not come across Spiritualist/New Age interpretations of the phase world).

Yep, that "Summerland" experience really had an impact on me.  Hence the moniker Summerlander. :D

You see, the impact of such experience found its own expression in the real world.  Like the five smilies you used to express your siked...ness. :P
Galaad wrote: Hello Clearchoice,

Would you mind to share the website where you've found this method wich seems to be very interesting ?

I'd love to check out this site too.  If it is Dero and his Lightworkers I'm out. ::)