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Brain mantaining you from the phase to protect you.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:26 pm
by hanamichi
Is it possible that if you want to go to tohe Astral world but you dont fell well living in the real world youre brain dosent let you to do the separation to protect you from suffering "Escapeissim"(when you try to escape from a situation, not sure if i wrote it right ^^) So technically if you dont like where you are right now you cant enter the astral world cause youre brain detects it as something dangerouse. Could be that the reason why I cant have an OBE?

Re: Brain mantaining you from the phase to protect you.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:07 pm
by 12padams
Nice theory but no... My phase journey originally started for a purpose I wished not to initially discus. My original yet unwritten goal was to use it as a permanent escape from the physical world so that I would never have to return to it. Yes, I have a sad history here but that changed long ago once I realized how scary the phase state can be :)

An interesting theory though is confidence. The more confidence you have that you can enter the phase the more likely you are to enter it. But there is an interesting flip side of that... The more you believe you can't leave the phase the more this thoery becomes reality. Last year as many members here know I became trapped in the phase. I tried forcing myself out of the phase multiple times once I realized that I couldn't escape it. Well... My belief that I was truly trapped due to being in a coma seemed to be enough to cause me to be imprisoned in the phase. Try it yourself, believe that it's the physical world that is hard to get to and that you will now awaken in the phase from now on.

For inspiration here is my trapped in the phase experience:

The theory is not proven yet but hey... It's a start and those who believe the phase is hard to maintain suffer difficulties remaining in it without being ejected (myself included originally). What about those who believe the physical world is the one that needs to be deepened? Will they truly remain in the phase? It's a great idea for an experiment :)