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Phase/Dream Characters

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:01 pm
by Summerlander
Phase/Dream Characters

Whatever they are, it seems that our minds are quite experienced in creating grand illusions of sentience in mental simulations of living beings. This is attributed to our lifelong exposure to the various types of human behaviour we see in other people. These characters can also reflect the entelechy of the theory of mind that we have been developing from the very start of our conscious lives. I believe they are semblances of the various types of sentient beings that we can conceive in imagination and may be used as mediators in communication between the waking self and the subconscious mind.

Often, in dialogues with phase people, I get a distinct impression that we are telepathically connected. Phase characters sometimes appear to express internal options for language communication which could have pre-consciously originated in my mind but were eventually ignored in favour of something specific that I chose to express. Now let’s say that in the world of the mind there is a lot of potential for more thoughts to be voiced and heard by the conscious self… If you favour the utterance of a particular word, there is still potential for the more unconscious alternatives to manifest rather than being repressed. In this fashion, as my thesis goes, if you won’t say it a mental figure in a dream or phase state might. So, instead of these characters having real sentience and intelligently communicating with us, they could be merely voicing an alternative that was ultimately substituted in the diversity and potentiality of our own expression in the dream or phase experience.

Do these characters answer our questions in the same manner that a person in the real world does? I don’t think they do. For instance, when you have a question answered in the phase, at that very point, in the light of consciousness, the mental mechanics have already established a presentable outcome - one that you can accept and tolerate. Your toleration in the phase is very high anyway because you are conscious, and, if you optimally possess enough lucid oomph to know the deal, you can withstand the shock of nonsensical or impossible manifestations in the virtual worlds of the mind. Even if a response outcome doesn’t make sense, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t have to if you can handle it.

A lot of phase objects, for example, will say “yes” to the following question posed by many phasers: “Do you think independently of me?” The majority of phase practitioners can handle that response from characters that have no objective existence. Many even fantasise about such response while others believe in its literal sense. Not that such characters are mendacious, as this in itself would require them to be conscious agents, but the “yes” response is veracious only as far as the context of our abstraction goes - thus an ambiguity here cannot be ignored. As a mental manifestation, the character that claims thinking independence originates from the same unconscious source as the phaser but the difference being that the former is closer to that source than the latter. As an involuntary thought form, the character is independent of the phaser because this one did not consciously will it into phase existence. The unconscious determines the phase object’s being no matter its shape and perceived movement as much as it determines the phaser’s being too.

A phase object’s behaviour can, of course, depend on the phaser’s will if this one decides to control it. From the phaser’s perspective, there is control. But even if phasers take charge in manipulating phase figures, they shouldn’t be fooled. When we enter the phase to shape our mental worlds as we see fit we are still not the authors of our will to control. The great unconscious, with its mysterious mental clockwork, would be determining our wishes and giving us the illusion of power. We merely sit at the surface as conscious agents. Meanwhile, the mental quicksands beneath us determine our movements as well as the other elements in our mental worlds.

This doesn’t mean that we should now be against or even ridicule the advocacy of control in the phase state. By all means, as a phase practitioner, control your inner virtual realities if you wish to do so even if ultimately we are just conscious puppets. I will finalise this with an analogy: imagine that a cartoonist draws a ventriloquist wearing a sock with a face… If the phase character that we may wilfully control is the sock, we are the ventriloquist and the unconscious is the cartoonist.


Re: Phase/Dream Characters

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:51 am
by Molecule
Nicely put. I do not yet have personal experience to rely on but if the phase is half as "realistic" as described in the many reports on here it will surely give room to many speculations and philosophical thought of my own which I am looking forward to express when I finally got there :-)

Well done!

Re: Phase/Dream Characters

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:55 pm
by Summerlander
Thanks, mate. :)

Environments and their objects in a deep phase often seem to be lit from within or tend to be more splendorous than the real world. It's like a reality on steroids as things seem to stand out.

I guess when you enter it you will know what I'm talking about...

Re: Phase/Dream Characters

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:58 pm
by Astralnaut
in one LD i found one guy and we travelled along the road and there were things that cant happen in the physical world like levitating objects and the guy told me " its a glitch" :D

Re: Phase/Dream Characters

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:15 pm
by Summerlander
LOL! I see The Matrix influence there.

Re: Phase/Dream Characters

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 4:33 am
by Kage64
Love this post! I had drawn a character and brought her to life in the Astral Plane (Phase) and had visited her 16 times and counting. I lost contact with her about a couple months ago so now iv'e been searching a long time to find her again. : P I'm writing a book about it.

Re: Phase/Dream Characters

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:24 am
by Summerlander
Do let us know more! :-)