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Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 2:17 pm
by Jessy
Im a little bit confused because my gnostic instructor says that the astral is absolutely real 100 conviced and he says that he remembers some of his past lifes,and i dont know what to think because i have many times called my divine mother in astral ,and nothing appeared ,even though i called her a good time,and he says it is because lost of faith,and that the divine mother can appear to us in symbols ,but i dont really know what is real,im more conviced that its all the phase,but if it were real what about the great white brotherhood that everybody talks about arent they going to punish us for teaching the phase,because i really enjoy entering that state ,but my instructor says that im entering in my own bubble,that there is the higher planes ,and that you guys are teaching is black magic,no intending to ofense,and im confused,because i would like to open a brach here in Ecuador,and teach people,but what about the great white brotherhood,,arent they going to punish us ,for teaching people to enter the phase
Please anybody expert who knows answer this question
Blessing to all of you guys!
thanks C:-)

Re: Astral,question

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 2:34 pm
by cenaculum
Sadly, it seems this forum has been largely abandoned. I am not sure why, the techniques are sound and I can attest to that, perhaps everyone simply lost interest, which is hard to imagine.

Re: Astral,question

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 2:40 pm
by Jessy
it seems like that
but entering there is awesome