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What was this?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 6:06 am
by anaylor01
When I was about 22 I laid down on the bed with my arms and legs spread which I NEVER do. I felt myself feel lite. Kinda like the feeling when you are about to tip over in a chair. I felt myself leave my body. I could see myself lying in the bed. Shortly I was in something I will call space. Black all around. I had a feeling I was a Star. There was a white light that I knew was God. How did I know? I just did. God shot the answers to all of life's questions into my head. The answers all seemed so simple. I felt at that time a bliss I can't explain. Nothing mattered. I was at complete piece. I have started to have other out of body experiences but was scared I wouldn't come back so I stopped myself. Was this a dream? I don't feel like it was. Does anyone think that someone could do hypnosis on me and get those answers out of me? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Re: What was this?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 2:56 am
by Rick
This is what would be a Out Of Body Experience aka Phase State. if you download the e book from the main site and study it this may provide some better insight

The Phase book/course book: