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dream recall vs performing the technique when waking up

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:18 am
by happycycling

I am practicing LD and the phase since almost a year now. It's very passionating! I stumbled upon and read Mr Raduga's book with great interest. I am now trying to find out what works best for me. I find it particularly difficult to keep up the habit of trying to remember as much as possible from my dreams and trying to make it a habit to perform the techniques (rotation, ...) when waking up, as both seem contradictory: they are the first thing you should do as soon as you exit sleep, and one can't do both at once.

Any thoughts about this?


Re: dream recall vs performing the technique when waking up

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 10:33 am
by Mikey
You should keep a dream diary anyway - I presume you do. Okay, if you're attempting a Phase session, then that becomes your priority, forget trying to remember the dreams or writing them up on waking, focus on the Phase technique. If you have a successful Phase experience, it will be so intense that you'll have no problem remembering it later, and probably the dreams that preceded it. On days when you're not trying to get into the Phase, then you can obviously devote your waking moments to recording your normal dreams. Don't make writing dreams up get in the way of the more profound Phase experiences.
Hope this helps.

Re: dream recall vs performing the technique when waking up

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 3:16 pm
by happycycling
Thanks Mikey!

(spreek je Nederlands? Ik wel..)

Lately I've become more involved in the practice of dream yoga (an ancient and spiritual practice closely related to lucid dreaming). I'm not really practicing the Phase anymore, although everything I learned through the Phase still is very worthy info and experience. I think I really kind of blocked on the fact that I had to set two types of intention (dream recall vs the phase techniques).
Strangely, the other morning, without any intention, I started rotating when waking up.
