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Whats your take on Steve G Jones's approach on "Astral Projection"?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:00 am
by White Mist

Re: Whats your take on Steve G Jones's approach on "Astral Projection"?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:28 am
by 12padams
Before I found this website in october 2011 I tried this exact course "The art of Astral Projection" by Steve G Jones. If it had worked I would never have come here...

His course promises to make you an astral projection expert able to leave your body at will. It involves you simply having to lie down in bed while listening to each audio exercise which are 1 hour in length each. During the 8th or so file you are supposed to have an astral projection experience. It never happened for me but I must admit I didn't fully commit myself to his course. It requires listening to the same files over and over again while you clear your chakras to raise your kundalini which powers your astral body so you can astral project at will.

I guess I had little confidence with chakras at the time since I didn't believe in them and still even have trouble doing so. Then it went down hill from there because I couldn't exactly raise a kundalini which is a serpant force of energy through my 7 main chakras if they were blocked and I didn't even believe in kundalini.

Overall it's not a course I would recommend but you are of course welcome to try it. My main concern with it however is that you must listen to Steve G Jones voice as he gives you instructions. By doing this you remain too connected to your physical surroundings and can't possibly slip into the phase state.

Anyway that's just my opinion I'd love to see what others are...

Re: Whats your take on Steve G Jones's approach on "Astral Projection"?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 7:51 pm
by White Mist
I agree with you and exact thing happened to.

I actually bought it because I seriously thought it would work, also it too was before I found this site and it costed me $300.

Like you I did not fully commit to it. I got the the kundalini raising and stopped.

I still have it. Its sitting under my computer collecting dust, lol. IMO his course is great for some one who is really into meditation, chakras, and energy stuff. Also for people who want to really take their time. He even says in the program "We are building a jet".

At first I believed everything he was saying. But now not so much, especially after reading SOBT guidebook. It got me back to my scientific self.

Re: Whats your take on Steve G Jones's approach on "Astral Projection"?

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:04 pm
by Summerlander
Yes, you don't need to spend silly amounts of money on courses that will get you nowhere and often mislead you.  Entering the phase is simpler than what a lot of folks think.  Have a good read of SOBT.  It is there as a guide for when you need it.  Revise it if you must.  I have a hard copy and I will use it often to teach.  Sometimes just the mention of the phase and a few concise words on how to induce the state is enough to cause individual to unexpectedly enter it.

Re: Whats your take on Steve G Jones's approach on "Astral Projection"?

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 6:38 pm
by White Mist
Oh yes. Agreed. I bought it because I thought he knew what he was talking about.

I have downloaded SOBT :)

I personally love this book. I re-read a lot of the content.  The only parts I have yet to read are the sections that deal with the direct method and consciously dreaming as I don't feel ready for those yet.

Also of course I should have known better to not buy "Explorations Beyond the Body" program.

Re: Whats your take on Steve G Jones's approach on "Astral Projection"?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:50 am
by PauliEffect
I want to comment on the Steve G Jones hustle.

On a completely different forum I investigated this fraud and in opposition to the
moderators at that place I wrote the following (part of this writings were removed).
I'll leave out the names as they are not applicable here and I think, I at the time
was a little upset that the moderators of that place promoted and removed my
posts where I questioned their (economical) motives in regards of Steve G Jones.

Here goes:

Steve G Jones just claims to be one of the world leading experts on hypnosis,
but without anything backing up his claim. How has he got that title?

[Mod 1], do you believe that someones penis can grow by hypnosis as a result of placebo?

By help of Steve G Jones Penis enlargement CD, all natural hypnosis ?

Don't you request any scientific proofs, like a measurement of the length of the
person's penis before and after those 21 days of hypnosis "treatment"?


(I also checked out some claims of [Mod 2], I then wrote the following,
which later was removed by the mod.)


quote from [Mod 2] ->
$25,000 for a two hour consultation. Did you see the names of the people
that were signing up for this. they are the rich and famous who pay $25,000
for a babysitter, lol. Look at the names and occupations of the people giving
Call it hoax, scam, hustler, liar or swindle, I've got some results I want to share.

[Mod 2], the persons in your link above who are used as references or recommendations
of con man Steve G Jones leave a huge hole. I looked up some of the persons in the link
above and I got the following results:

Reference person 1: "Andrea George, Miss California 1999"

No such Miss California exists, and certainly no one with that name of the year 1999.
It seems Steve G Jones has made up that name or Miss Andrea originates from a
completely unknown Miss California competition. There are at least two more
similar competitions; Miss California USA and Miss California Teen USA, none
of these have any Miss Andrea.

There exists no, I repeat, _no_ Andrea George Miss California 1999.

Reference person 2: "Jeraldine Saunders, Creator the 'Love Boat' TV series"

After more than one try I got a very short response by mail, which just stated:
"all I can say is do not give $"

The mail wasn't signed by any name, it was unclear whom was the originator,
so it could be anyone handling mail, but I take that as a statement which leaves
a lot of doubt. (I used the official mail address of Saunders' Love Boat site.)

Reference person 3: "Bjorn Englen, Bassist for Soul Sign and Quiet Riot"

I mailed the address of Englen's official site and got a strange response which raised doubt
if Englen at all knew that his name was used for selling Jones' hypnosis products, and gave
no, I repeat _no_ support for Steve G Jones' reference. The mail response had an air
of suspiciousness.


My conclusion: I think that none of the persons above have contacted Steve G Jones. Most
likely the have never had any theraphy by Jones. And in the case of Andrea George 1999,
it seems that she doesn't even exist.

[Mod 2], as you provided Steve G Jones link (above) on the [XXX] site, I again urge you
to tell us if you has anything to do with Steve G Jones' affairs. Do you get any money?

Steve G Jones carries all the trademarks of a hustler and a liar.

His references are fake.

Prove me wrong.

(I also found Steve G Jones promoting his hypnosis therapy on a breast enlargement forum,
or was it breast cancer (?), where he makes absurd claims.

I really think he creates such a bad reputation for everything related to OBE or AP that
he deserves all piece of critizism he can get. A complete scam and fraud IMO.)

Re: Whats your take on Steve G Jones's approach on "Astral Projection"?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:12 pm
by 12padams
I agree totally about him at least somewhat being spammy. Check out this video if you haven't already:

Re: Whats your take on Steve G Jones's approach on "Astral Projection"?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:52 pm
by Summerlander

At least nobody can deny that he was very appealing... :-X

Speaking of appealing...
This is the sort of literature that entices fans of esoteric cosmology:

Re: Whats your take on Steve G Jones's approach on

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:29 am
well while I don't go along with the what Steve G teaches about obe, it maybe good for some.
However I did use one of his meditation recordings in which I received the wining number of a horse race. So he his not an entire fake.