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Fast moving experience.

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:04 pm
by Bo
Hello Mr Raduga,

Two months ago I began practicing For achieving a lucid dream.
I’ve read a lot of things on the internet. I kept a dreamjournal and did reality checks in the daytime. I also tried WILD various times.
In these two months I’ve encountered a lot of strange things but not a real “Phase experienceâ€

Re: Fast moving experience.

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:12 am
by JorgeLTE
1- RELAX!! If you are stressed you will fail the WILD.
2.- You are trying a direct technique. They are pretty hard. I would start with indirect techniques. They are A LOT easier and the paralysis and hallucinations are usually skipped. Im having lucid dreams everyday with those techniques.
3.-When you start feeling those sensations start doing some of the indirect techniques (straining the brain, listening in, phantom wiggling) and try to stand up WITHOUT USING YOUR MUSCLES.

Re: Fast moving experience.

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:56 am
by Michael Raduga
I’m afraid you’ll just say: Roll out or climb out.
But there is another problems)

If you use the direct techniques you shouldn't have such question. After a deep enough lapse in consciousness you definitely will know what to do. It will be very obvious. So your lapses aren't deep enough. If you do not belive me - read your discription of the experience when you were afraid. Were there any questions?...

JorgeLTE is right. Forget about all direct attempts for awhile. It is for professionals. Do not waste your time and energy on it.

read carefully chapter 2 of the guidebook and you will able to do it upon every awakenings. 

Re: Fast moving experience.

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:56 pm
by Bo
Yes I know. After reading your book, particularly the part of the indirect techniques, I decided to stop with direct techniques.
I believe in the indirect approach.
Just a few nights after I read the book I woke up in the night (don’t know what time it was)
I lay still and performed the cycles. There was no vision so I did the phantom wiggling. Nothing! Then I turned to listening in and I heard a strange noise. It reminded me of a frog.
I focussed on it and indeed it became much louder. Remarkable!

The hardest part for now is waking up in a natural way. It takes practise. Usually I set my alarm Six hours after I went to sleep. I use the deferred method. I stay awake for about half an hour and then go back to sleep.

Thanks for answering both of you.
If I have any more questions I’ll be putting them here


Re: Fast moving experience.

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:12 pm
by Michael Raduga
In one month you will find a big free videolesson on the site. It will solve all your primary problems in indirect attempts.

Re: Fast moving experience.

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:12 pm
by Bo
Can't wait, but...In one month I'll have my my first full phase experience. Probably thanks to you! ;)