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was I dreaming about the phase?

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 11:16 am
by Bo
I struggle with a very confusing matter.

Today, early in the morning, about 9.30hrs I was trying to get back to sleep. At least, I thought I was still awake. Suddenly I heard a realistic noise which I recognized as Auditory hallucinations so I Tried toâ€

Re: was I dreaming about the phase?

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 1:41 pm
by Bo
Oh, I forgot something. It came as a shock when I remembered this during the day.
I remembered that I was paralyzed and I struggled hard to get out. I really couldn’t move. I never experienced this. I don’t now for sure in which order this took place. I think it was just before I got out but I don’t now for sure.
Again, was I dreaming this to?

Could it be that I dreamed of experience all these things and dreamed of having consciousness and being in the phase?
This confusion haunts me!

Re: was I dreaming about the phase?

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 11:31 pm
by Michael Raduga
sometimes it may be a dream about the phase, but this case seems like a phase.

If you are fully conscious and out of the body, you are in the phase. Just perform deepening and a plan of actions.

Sleep paralysis is almost the phase. You need only to separate

Re: was I dreaming about the phase?

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:47 am
by dreamsrock
Hey Bo, I feel the same way.  My first phase felt so dreamlike, that I denied it also.  I know now that it was dreamy because I didn't do deepening techniques.  I had a lucid dream last night where I remember thinking "everything is sooo vivid and clear!"  But when I woke up, it didn't seem so vivid and clear as I was remembering the dream.

Re: was I dreaming about the phase?

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:52 am
by Bo
Thank you both. This is very encouraging!
I know it was not a normal experience. last time I rolled out of bed the very first seconds I was totally convinced that I really rolled out of bed and ruined the attempt. Then I got lost in a vivid dream. These first moments were incredible realistic. Afterwards I couldn’t believe I really did it and thought it was a dream. 
Next goal will be deepening.

Hey dreamsrock. Your experience of flying with your son sounds great!

Re: was I dreaming about the phase?

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:32 am
by Michael Raduga
Yes, sometimes the phase is too realistic)))
But the more practice the less such problems

Re: was I dreaming about the phase?

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:11 pm
by VMU
Wow I think I had the same experience as you. I still think it was a dream. It felt very empty and "unrealistic".

I was laying in bed and I realised I was waking up. I tried to cycle trough the techniques but none of them worked. Suddenly, out of the blue, my body started tingling heavly. I thought:"That's it, I have to get out now, It's finally happening"  and tried to exit my body. It was extremely hard. I remember grabbing the posts of my bed and pulling myself out trough my head.. When I got out far enough, I grabbed the floor and pulled and dragged some more. It felt like forever but when I was finally out of my body, I laid on the floor for a few minutes to rest. After that, I realised I had to act fast and started rubbing my hands together. I stood up, opened my eyes and remembered my plan of action. I went to the bathroom to look in the mirror. I amazed myself how light the doors felt when I opened them. When I arrived in the bathroom, I wanted to turn on the light and pulled the string to do so. The string broke because I pulled way too hard (I guess that's because everything felt lighter than usual) I threw the broken string on the floor and looked in the mirror. I saw myself with a pillow on my head (!?) and my face was not symmetric. I saw this as proof that I was in the phase. I immediately started to execute the rest of the plan of action (I still had four to go) but nothing happened. None of the other things on my action list seem to occur. And I started to think this wasn't the phase. I was very dissapointed but wanted to check for one last time if I was in the phase or just woke up with a blurred mind. I went back to the bedroom to check if my body was still in bed, only to see that this wasn't the case. I was very disappointed and a bit angry and decided to go back to bed to try again. The moment I got back in to bed. I felt a slight shift and discovered  I was lying in a completely different position. I tried to get back into the phase using indirect techniques but I was too awake I guess. I started to over-think the whole experience (I still am ;) ) and concluded it was just a normal dream. I stood up and went to the bathroom to freshen up. But when I got there. I saw that the string was still broken and was lying on the floor  :o

Maybe I was just sleepwalking? (I never sleepwalk)

Just to make sure I'm not crazy, a picture of the "string"


Any pointers?

Re: was I dreaming about the phase?

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:55 pm
by Summerlander
Hi, 12padams expressed the same uncertainty here:

VMU, what you described sounded like the phase due to the fact that you were able to spot the anomalies in the dream world (like the distorted mirror reflection).  You were self-aware and fully conscious.  Your analytical mind was clearly present.  Thus, you were lucid (i.e. the phase state).

You can have doubts about being in the phase and still be in the phase.  Sooner or later, the power of logic that you possess in that state will lead you to conclude that what surrounds you is not reality.  Make no mistake about it, it is NOT like being in a mere vivid dream where the absurd appears to make sense.  It is being fully awake and be able to assess things logically in the dream world.  In this state, you retain waking life memory and are able to think logically.  You are awake in the dream world.  You are in the phase.

Sleep walking is more associated with unconscious actions and anomalous bursts of activity in the brain during SW sleep.  It is a sleep disorder.  You can't be sleepwalking and be in the phase at the same time.  You said it yourself that you have never sleepwalked before.

The only thing I can think of is that you may have a rare condition whereby muscle atonia does not ensue when you enter the phase and thus causing you to physically act out whatever you do in that state - in which case it may be dangerous for you to induce lucid dreams and OOBEs.

Another possibility is that you were awake and unusually hallucinating during sleep inertia.  You were therefore perceiving reality in a distorted way if that is the case.

And nobody said you are crazy! ;D