Re: Hello

Feel free to talk about anything not related to lucid dreaming and out-of-body travel
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Post by Jeff »

I thought I would introduce myself.I have been a LDer/OBEer for a number of years now and experience an average of 3-4 'phase' experiences/week. ( Sometime per night )

I really enjoyed the guidebook and found it very well thought out and useful.I look forward to dropping in here to read and discuss phase experiences.

"The closer you get to the meaning;the sooner you'll know that you're dreaming" -Dio
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Michael Raduga
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Re: Hello

Post by Michael Raduga »

It isn't bad. Which method you usually use and what is your primary problem in the practice?
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Re: Hello

Post by Jeff »

Honestly, I take a less refined approach in spite of all of the great material out there I've read.(especially your book)

The only consistent thing that I "do" is consciously intend to be aware every night before sleep,and upon every awakening-then I just let things happen.

I draw from a wide variety of techniques and just do what feels right for the moment:Watching behind my eyelids,holding still in bed when waking,stimulating my dream body( day and night),mantras during the day,reality checks,wake-back to bed, intention,occasional supplements(galantamine,etc.),just getting up or rolling out,etc. I just keep throwing everything at it with dedication because I love it so much,it's so amazing-I have had incredible experiences.

I find myself entering the phase in various ways.Sometimes in dream;more often upon exit from a dream in the later morning hours.Your advice has been especially helpful with the later example.

I prefer dream entrance though because I find greater stability,so there's less work to do maintaining IMO.Often I OBE from the dream and find myself in versions of either my or my parent's home.Then, I seem to find less stability the closer I am to an environment resembling the physical world. Fouls occur faster for me in these instances as opposed to remaining in ,and progressing within a novel dream environment.

The trade off seems to be clarity of self reflective awareness and memory-all with the danger of falling back into dream.None the less,I still seem to eventually accomplish my goals over time;though I could probably be doing things much more efficiently. I am re-reading your book now to try and improve this.Also,I think I need work on teleporting skills because there are some environments that I wish to return to;but I have been unsuccessful so far.

I am also very interested in the meaning of these experiences in the bigger picture of reality.Though I don't deny the physiological causes and correlations associated with the phase;I have experienced personal evidence of something greater than just physical brain function.This evidence has come in the forms of information previously unknown to me in the waking state(deceased people)and physical healing effects intended upon others.( my father was hopelessly paralyzed and dying-I have reason to believe that repeated healing phase experiences directed toward him have facilitated his almost complete recovery)
"The closer you get to the meaning;the sooner you'll know that you're dreaming" -Dio
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Re: Hello

Post by Rudolph »

Hi Jeff, I am curious about your "stimulating my dream body( day and night)"

Perhaps you could start a thread by that name and give a little more detail.
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Re: Hello

Post by Jeff »

Hello Rudolph,
What I mean is that I sometimes I "create" and then move around "vibrations", or tactile sensations in my limbs,trunk and head.I then try to extend these sensations into the space beyond my body- a sort of meditation I suppose.

I am talking about the Robert Bruce type of exercises.And also, though I am very skeptical of "Chakras",as I have not seen convincing evidence of them; I admit that feeling for them -along with phantom limbs -seems to be a useful mental exercise that may help with OBEs.

While in the phase I sometimes create these same sensations in my dream body as a sort of tactile amplification technique. Not sure if that is "the right thing to do" really...
"The closer you get to the meaning;the sooner you'll know that you're dreaming" -Dio
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