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Question which was 100% already asked (or not) :)

Post by LucidDreaming »

I want to reach Counsciousness While dreaming and only for that reason I have tryed indirect techiques. Since I have to attend school, it's very hard to practise them, because of the lack of sleep. I decided to give Direct techniques a shot. I've read your book, decided to try direct technique tonight, when something cought my eye. You wrote that direct techniques shouldn't be used to become Counscious While Dreaming and only other methods described in the book should. Like, good dream recall, intention, anchors. I have very good dream recall, I am motivated and guaranted I will have Lucid Dream before going to bed. It still doesn't work. It has been two months with almost none results.


1. So, can i try to become Lucid using direct techniques?

2. Even thou I have good dream recall and quite good self awareness during the day. Why can't I get Lucid?
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Michael Raduga
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Re: Question which was 100% already asked (or not) :)

Post by Michael Raduga »

LucidDreaming wrote: It has been two months with almost none results.
You're on the wrong way if you cannot get the phase even after only 10 attempts. You do something very wrong
LucidDreaming wrote: 1. So, can i try to become Lucid using direct techniques?
By no means
LucidDreaming wrote: 2. Even thou I have good dream recall and quite good self awareness during the day. Why can't I get Lucid?
Maybe, you need some time.

1 - try indirect techniques ONLY on weekends or after afternoon naps. Relax in other days. Even try do not think about the phase in these days
2 - read guidebook (chapter 2) and watch videos from our site more carefully. With right actions you need 1-5 attempts upon awakenings
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