Is it possible and why are you doing this?

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Is it possible and why are you doing this?

Post by LucidDreaming »

1. Is it possible to meet someone else who is in the phase at the same time you are in it? Ofcourse, if you two made an agreement. This topic is often mendtioned on Lucid Dreaming forums and it's called shared dreaming. A lot of people claim that they ca meet each other in their LDs.

2. Why are you giving out your book for free? It's not that I don't like it. I believe that me and every other person which has read your book really appreciate it. But the question is, why?
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Michael Raduga
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Re: Is it possible and why are you doing this?

Post by Michael Raduga »

1. Yes and no. You can meet anyone and anything in the phase(LD/OBE). Two and more experienced practitioners can meet each other in the phase like all other objects. IT DOESN'T MEAN THEY REALLY CAN MEET EACH OTHER. That's why there is a lot of differences when they discuss these meetings. So it is very easy in practice but impossible in nature.

2. The phase is my life for 24/7. I enjoy it only when it spreads. Free ebooks help to spread it 100 times faster. I even cannot understand authors whose books only for money. What for they did write it? For some thousands people who will buy it? I have 1 mln downloads of my books on different languages every year. That's really nice. And it is just beginning.
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Re: Is it possible and why are you doing this?

Post by LucidDreaming »

1. Practiniores claim that they saw each other in their phases and that they have same memories. It's like, they were togehter in the same phase. I guess it's not realy possible.

2. We appreciate your job and that you don't act for money. In what kind of languages your book will be translated in the near future? And What is your main goal? To spread your knowledge as much as possible?

Question about the phase:

If I applied indirect techniques apon awakening and got sucked in the phase when doing Image observing technique (No seperation technique needed) should I call it LD or OBE? Can I always enter phase like this? (without seperation technique)

Thank you.
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Michael Raduga
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Re: Is it possible and why are you doing this?

Post by Michael Raduga »

In what kind of languages your book will be translated in the near future?
New version of the guidebook.
To spread your knowledge as much as possible?
If I applied indirect techniques apon awakening and got sucked in the phase when doing Image observing technique (No seperation technique needed) should I call it LD or OBE?
You can call it as you want. For me it is the phase.
Can I always enter phase like this? (without seperation technique)
Yes. But use other ways, if it doesn't work
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