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False awakening

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 7:03 pm
by ShiNiS
Tonight I said cycles of indirect techniques then go sleep for 6hours, when I wake up (with clock alarm) I don't light on lights , I went to the toilet, back to my bed and I start saying " I will wake up after few hours, i will not move, not open eyes , make techniques, but I dont wake up, and I had dream that I wake up 07:30 and I scream that my try was not succesful and after this Im again wake up and I saw that now is 06:45.  I understand that was a dream before second wake up. I thought it was like every morning. Did something was I done not right? Or sometimes it's be False awakiness?

Re: False awakening

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 4:34 am
by Michael Raduga
Just be prepared for this situation next time. You wake up already in the phase in mayor part of all cases.