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JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:21 am
by JorgeLTE
[align=center]JorgeLTE's blog[/align]

Hi... I have opened this space to help myself through my lucidity quest, and specially as a way to share my experiences with other beginners. I hope someone can find my blog useful. ;D

So. First I want to introduce myself:
My name is Jorge Antonio, I'm a Mexican, and as anyway you will realize after reading a few more lines, my English isn't very good, but I will do my best so you can understand me.

I'm 17 years old, I have recently graduated from high school, and I want to start studying a career soon.
I love the music. I play the piano since I was 3(three) years old, my favorite kind of music is the progressive metal (Dream theater, Liquid tension experiment) and I'm a Jordan Rudess's fan.
I usually dedicate my spare time to direct the airsoft club that me and some friends have started in my city.
I live with my mother, little sister and 2 dogs.

EDIT: I have a new project!! CLICK HERE!

Now, I would like to share with you the reasons I'm here:

Since I was a little kid, I loved the possibility of controlling my own dreams, and do whatever I wanted to. Essentially, living in two worlds. But it was until August of the last year (2010), when I realized the existence of techniques for lucid dreams and out of body experiences, after some research I did because of a very important event in my life:

I had an extraordinary dream... An hyper realistic and very vivid dream where I meet a very special person... a person who I will refer from now as "her".
Since that day, I have been trying to meet her again in the phase.

The first few months I wasted my time in other websites, with deficient techniques, and I was just wasting my huge motivation. Although, I improved some skills like dream recall and a dream journal.
I actually had 2 or 3 very low quality phase experiences.
After all of those frustrations I finally found Mike's website and books, and I have to say that his techniques works A LOT better.

I started having results after a few weeks, but then I started with another big problem... since that august day, I have been trying relentlessly to achieve my objective until date. And now, almost a year later, I'm realizing that I'm not having success because I need to rest until my full motivation returns.

So, now my plan is to rest for one week, may be just recording my dreams in my journal but without trying any techniques.

In the next posts, I will share with you some of my most important experiences to the date.

Little contrast

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:39 am
by JorgeLTE
The first thing I want to share is a brief contrast between the results I had with the old school techniques found in other websites and the ones from Mike Raduga's techniques.

This is my very first phase experience:
Techniques used:
WBTB (wake, back to bed) from Stephen Laberge's book.
Length: less than 10 seconds.

I wake up during the night, and after having a hard time trying to sleep again, while I was lying on bed, looking at the window, I closed my eyes, and suddenly, after opening them, I saw the sky through the window with a very intense blue, but It was like 3am O'clock, so it was impossible and I realized It was a dream.

After that, I got out of bed, fell through the floor and fouled.

It was frustrating as hell.

And now, my first True phase experience, through Mike's indirect techniques:

Techniques used:
Deferred method
Forced falling sleep
Phantom wiggling

Length: Felt like 2 and a half hours, but in real time it was like 5 minutes.

After waking up around 8:00am (During holidays, of course.) I had breakfast and went back to sleep.
Then, after having a extremely weird dream, managed to awaken without movement.
I immediately tried to separate by rolling, and failed. Then I tried FFA followed by phantom wiggling, but this time I tried to move my legs slowly and trying to feel the movement. Suddenly, I noticed that I was already standing next to my bed, but with my blanket still over my body. After taking them off, I started to deepen in the phase, touching and peering at everything, and immediately after I felt an hyper realistic environment, I started to explore my own house.

The time was changing constantly between day and night, and I found in the next room my uncle, watching the T.V.
I was so excited about the phase and so curious that I tired to explain him that everything was non-physical, just to watch his reactions. He said I was crazy, ignored me and continued watching the t.v. Then I threw the T.V. through the window and continued to the next room.

Suddenly, I came back to my body and started the separation again. I separated again in my room. This time, it was night. I started to call "her" by her name, but I started to have problems with my voice, so I decided to trans-locate to my school.

I closed my eyes, and imagined the place. Suddenly I started to feel a flight sensation and after opening my eyes I was already there. The place was pretty different but I enjoyed it a lot more than if it were like usual.
I spent the next 1.5 hours of in-phase time looking for her, asking people, calling her name, with no results.

At the end, I lost consciousness and fell into a normal dream. Anyways, It was a wonderful experience.

The next day I had another phase experience of almost the same length, using the same technique.


EDIT: I'm not trying to flame LaBerge's techniques, I'm just saying that Raduga's techniques are a lot more newbie-friendly. When they are well performed, Stephen's techniques are quite effective.

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:08 pm
by Michael Raduga
JorgeLTE wrote: So, now my plan is to rest for one week, may be just recording my dreams in my journal but without trying any techniques.

It's a very good idea.

It's just a case that you've got so big difference in this two experiences by LaBerge and my methods. Stephen is almost the one whom I recommend to read and use.

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:02 am
by JorgeLTE
The next day after having my first phase using Mike's techniques, I had another one:

Date: January/03/2011.
Indirect Techniques used:
Deferred method
Listening in
Straining the brain

Phase Length: 30 minutes in phase-time. Less than 5 minutes in real time.

After having another weird dream, I had a motionless awakening.
I opened my eyes for less than a second and saw the time in my watch (BUT I DON'T HAVE A WATCH IN REAL LIFE, SO I WAS ALREADY IN THE PHASE).
Then I tried FFA, with no results, followed by Listening in. Immediately, I heard a very loud rushing noise in my ears and felt vibrations through my body.
I remembered that vibrations means that you should use straining the brain. I used it and the vibrations became stronger.

I decided to start the separation, but suddenly every single sensation dissipated, and I sat on the bed to think about my errors.
Suddenly, I had a kind of "knowingness" about I could already be in the phase, so I did a reality check (from Stephen's book  ;D) and realized that I was already separated from my body.

I got out of bed immediately, and started to look for food because the objective I had for this phase experience was to experiment with eating.

I ran to the kitchen, but my house was completely different and I got lost. Nothing had sense. There was a giant patty in the kitchen's table, and that freaked me out for some strange reason.
I think that the feelings are stronger in the phase.
I wen't to my sisters room and saw myself in the mirror. I was amazed because I saw myself in the mirror but my reflection was acting different.

I decided to trans locate to my school again, but the technique I used in the las phase experience wasn't working in this one, so I remembered another technique and started to imagine a vending machine of my school until I trans located.

Then, I saw among the people an old friend, so I followed him into the cafeteria and had a conversation with him.

After talking with him, I lost the stability of the phase and fouled atrociously.

-I didn't had a backup technique for the transloacation and had to remember another one on the fly.
-I didn't followed my original plan and followed my friend into the cafeteria knowing that I mustn't interact with events unrelated to my objective in the phase.


Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:17 am
by JorgeLTE
I have finally finished my week off and I'm going to perform Indirect techniques tomorrow.
I will use the deferred method, and then a combination of the techniques that had worked for me before.
Forced falling sleep, phantom wiggling, listening in and straining the brain.

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:26 am
by Michael Raduga
If 2,3,4 techniques will not work, do them simultaneously with FFA

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 4:58 am
by JorgeLTE
Michael Raduga wrote: If 2,3,4 techniques will not work, do them simultaneously with FFA
Sounds like a good idea, I haven't tried yet.

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:04 am
by Michael Raduga
I've got almost 100% successfull indirect attempts by this trick (1 year ago it was 65-75%). All techniques start to work if properly use FFA simultaneously with them.

But you better to do this only when techniques don't work by itself or they make you too aware

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:22 pm
by JorgeLTE
Michael Raduga wrote: All techniques start to work if properly use FFA simultaneously with them.
Thank you!!!! I tried it this morning, and worked like a charm 2 times.
As soon as I strained my brain during FFA I got vibrations. Although, I failed at both attempts.

After getting the vibrations, I used listening In, but the internal sound was getting extremely loud and painful, so I decided to switch to phantom wiggling and nothing happened. The sound and vibrations disapeared.
It happened 2 times in a row.

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:56 am
by Michael Raduga
JorgeLTE wrote: I used listening In, but the internal sound was getting extremely loud and painful, so I decided to switch to phantom wiggling and nothing happened. The sound and vibrations disapeared.
Oh, God...

Do you really like to lie in the phase and play with techniques instead of getting out?

Even a slightest sound upon an awakening means a phase and need of separation, but you just changed the technique... An extremly loud sound with vibrations mean a deep phase. If don't use it by separation in a few seconds, it all dissapears.

It's about all techniques, not only about listening in.

P.S. I strongly suggest to reread the chapter 2 of SOBT.

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:27 pm
by dreamsrock
Oh, God...Do you really like to lie in the phase and play with techniques instead of getting out?
Hahaha....I can't stop laughing at this quote by Michael.  I don't know why it's so funny.  Maybe because it's soo true!  I am also guilty of doing this.

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:11 pm
by JorgeLTE
Finally, after a few months of failed attempts, I managed to enter the phase.

As Michael advised me, I reread the chapter 2, line by line trying to understand 100% of the information and taking notes in a little notebook.

Yesterday night I checked my notes one more time and practiced the techniques before sleep.

6 hours later my alarm went off, I woke up and had breakfast.
Then I went back to my bed, affirmed my intention to perform techniques and fell asleep.

I awakened In a very uncomfortable position and moved a lot, so I started with FFA, but suddenly I realized that I have to be more focused In achieving a special state of mind rather than just performing techniques.

Instead of performing the techniques that I planned to use, I tried to achieve a more dream-like state of mind, So I started to put attention in my breath, slow and steady, like if I were trying to meditate or just sleep.

Suddenly, I started to feel the phase getting closer, with very weak vibrations, so I used straining the brain with no results, and then I tried to use Listening Inn.

A very strong sound started to rise, so I immediately tried to separate by rolling out.
It was very difficult, but with a lot of effort I managed to get out.


Date: 10/07/2011
Indirect techniques used:
Paying attention to the breathing
Listening inn.

As soon as I stood up, tried the falling head first technique, in order to deepen the phase, and after that, I took a look to my bedroom.
My old TV was there, although I don't have it anymore, and I turned it off because the sound was annoying me.

Then I translocated my self to my grandfather's old cottage, that I haven't visited since I was a child.

After I arrived, I tried to do an experiment:
Phase deepening consist in sensorial stimulation, so weather phenomenons, like the rain, could help because the rain is always stimulating the touch.

So I closed my eyes and tried to feel the rain in my hands and head, and it worked.
Then I took a look at the forest. Everything was extremely real and exactly as I saw it 10 years before.

After that, I lost the concentration, forgot to maintain the phase and everything changed into a weird dream.

- I forgot to maintain the phase.
- As I didn't put attention to the rain after a few seconds, It stopped.


Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:22 am
by Michael Raduga
but suddenly I realized that I have to be more focused In achieving a special state of mind rather than just performing techniques.
You're so right... Techniques are just marks to understand when you get the state. It's very hard to explain this issue by words. Especially for those who have never experienced the phase state.

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:43 pm
by LucidDreaming
When it is said like this, this makes sence. Sometimes even after perfect councious awakening it's still hard to achieve Phase and sometimes it's soooo easy. I noticed that breathing technique is very useful for me.

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:13 pm
by JorgeLTE
I always end awake after a failed attempt, so techniques that involve relaxation are very useful for me.

Today, I realized that I always roll immediately to lie in my back when I awake. I almost never get motionless awakenings because of this, so now that Im aware of that, I just need to make enough intention to avoid moving during the next attempt.

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:09 pm
by LucidDreaming
You should use "Forced falling asleep". I find it VERY useful.

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 5:27 am
by JorgeLTE
LucidDreaming wrote: You should use "Forced falling asleep". I find it VERY useful.
I do.
My last phase experience was achieved by a combination between Forced falling asleep and paying attention to my breathing.

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:35 am
by Michael Raduga
JorgeLTE wrote:
LucidDreaming wrote: You should use "Forced falling asleep". I find it VERY useful.
I do.
My last phase experience was achieved by a combination between Forced falling asleep and paying attention to my breathing.
You can add observing images to this row

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 8:11 pm
by JorgeLTE
Michael Raduga wrote: You can add observing images to this row
Which is the best technique combo for awakenings with movement?

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:04 am
by Michael Raduga
Yes. As forced falling asleep

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 6:33 pm
by JorgeLTE
Ok, I'm having  problems with intention again...
I will take a break for today.

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:33 am
by Michael Raduga
Take breaks at least for two days and more

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:19 am
by JorgeLTE

After taking a break for 2 days, I will resume my attempts tomorrow.
I think that sharing one of my spontaneous lucid dreams could be beneficial for me and other practitioners.

Date: May 25 2011
Techniques used: none.

I got conscious during the dream when I was about to go upstairs in my home, just after a false awakening.
The stairs where so freaking scrambled that I immediately got lucid.

Suddenly, the dream faded out, and before I could notice what was happening, I went back to the dream.

I appeared in the middle of a huge street.
I didn't had any plan, because I was not expecting this experience, so instead of thinking about it I decided to explore running and jumping between cars and buildings in a kind of extreme parkour style.

It has been one of the most vivid and fun phase experiences I have ever had.
I have no words to describe the feeling of complete freedom I had at those moments.

After exploring half of the entire city (I was running really fast) I started to have some serious problems with the phase stability, and I decided to awake by myself before falling into a normal dream and losing the precious memories of this experience.

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:34 am
by LucidDreaming
I have no words to describe the feeling of complete freedom I had at those moments.
That's the reason I am practising phase too. Freedom and endless possibilities...
I decided to awake by myself before falling into a normal dream and losing the precious memories of this experience
Why did you do that? You just should have used deepening or maintaining and enjoy your experience even further. ;) And do you often fall asleep during your Phase? I happen to only wake up and never fall asleep.

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:09 pm
by JorgeLTE
LucidDreaming wrote: Do you often fall asleep during your Phase? I happen to only wake up and never fall asleep.
When I enter the phase through conscious dreaming, I happen to fall asleep very often, especially if the phase was unexpected and I didn't had any plan of action.

I just have to master the maintaining techniques, and try to maintain strong vibrations during the phase.

Alien abduction/Fear method experience.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:43 pm
by JorgeLTE

Yesterday, I tried to put all of my effort on making enough intention before falling asleep.
I fell asleep at 2:00 AM with my alarm programmed to go off at 8:00 AM.
Here are my results:

Date: 19/7/2011.
Techniques used:
Alien abduction/fear method.

Everything started as a normal dream.
In my dream, I was trying to sleep in my bed, with no success.
Suddenly, I started to hear strange and loud noises outside, so I turned my head to the window in order to see what the hell was happening, and what I saw really scared me.
There was a UFO flying through the city, like if it were looking for people to abduct.
It stopped right over my house.
I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.
Suddenly, I awakened, with absolutely zero movement, and I had the idea of trying the "abduction method" or the "fear method".
I started to recall the fear I was having a few seconds ago and also tried to imagine the abduction.
Sounds and vibrations started to rise and I immediately tried to separate by just standing up.

It worked.

After deepening by palpation, I noticed that 3 of my best friends were with me.
They were watching the T.V.
It's funny that although my native language is Spanish, the T.V. program was narrated in English, and I could understand everything.

Then I moved into the living room, and following my action plan, I tried to translocate to London.
I had a lot of problems with translocating this time.
I started to visualize the Big Ben in front of me, and while the image was forming behind my eyelids, It stopped and the tower morphed into a weird Japanese building.

A lot of samurai soldiers started to jump out of the building in order to attack me. I though that it was because I was losing lucidity, so I used peering to deepen the phase, closed my eyes and suddenly the image of a switch appeared before my eyes.

I put attention on it and while translocating I tried to visualize London, but I ended in a kind of formal meeting at the coast.
Now I realize that I was at The Hague, Holland.
I tried to do an experiment.
I took out my iPod touch and suddenly it morphed into my cellphone. I took a look to the screen and the only thing I was able to see were strange symbols.

Then, I walked through the crowd of people. My father came and asked me what was I looking for.
I told him that I was looking for a very important person for me.
I kept looking for Victoria (that's her name) with no luck, and suddenly the phase vanished.
Back into my body, I separated again.
One of my friends was still on my room.

I translocated myself to my school, and I suffered such a loss of lucidity, that I entered into my classroom, sat on my desk, and paid attention to the class.
Suddenly I stood up and said to myself "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING??!?!".
I leaved the classroom, did some deepening, and trowed my backpack away.
A friend came to me and said "hey, your backpack!!" so I told him "you can have it".

I can't remember what happened then. I probably fell asleep.
The next thing I remember is that I was at a car-wash station.

I had a bottle in my hands and started to experiment with it.
I poured the bottle on the floor while trying to feel the bottle still filled up with water.
As a result, I had a bottomless bottle in my hands.

Finally I woke up at 7:00Am, did a reality check and wrote down my experience.

Observations and tasks:

- I have to avoid talking with people unrelated to my action plan. It seems to screw up the phase stability.

- I have a lot of problems with translocating techniques. I have to practice them.

- I have to pay more attention on maintaining the phase state.


- Stronger intention is everything I need to enter the phase.

- I have to start switching my focus from "entering the phase state" to "managing the out of body experiences".

- My last phase experience was on Tuesday too.

Questions to Michael Raduga:

- Why does the fear induces the Phase entrance?

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:25 pm
by Luna
You have some cool experiences!!! Very interesting. Especially the running one. How fun!

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:02 am
by Michael Raduga
Finally I woke up at 7:00Am, did a reality check and wrote down my experience.
I hope you tried to re-enter the phase before the reality check
Questions to Michael Raduga:

- Why does the fear induces the Phase entrance?
I'm not sure, but it seems it's because our fear induces a protecting reflex related to sleep or sleep paralysis (for example, children often fall asleep when they experience an emotional shock)

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:55 am
by dreamsrock
I think u have great control!  And the fact that your previous phase was 1 week ago, seems like you're on the right track!  I've tried a couple times to do the alien abduction method, but failed :'(  That's awesome u made it!!

Re: JorgeLTE's blog

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:48 am
by JorgeLTE
dreamsrock wrote: I think u have great control!  And the fact that your previous phase was 1 week ago, seems like you're on the right track!  I've tried a couple times to do the alien abduction method, but failed :'(  That's awesome u made it!!
Great control? I don't think so. I'm having A LOT of problems with trans location and deepening.

Today I had another spontaneous phase after doing the deferred method. I think that I was so motivated that I entered through dream consciousness.

Although, it was the worst phase experience I have ever had.
I had to separate about 4 times in a row because I was fouling too quickly.
Even while trying palpation and peering I was unable to maintain the  phase for more than a few seconds.

Trying to keep the phase and fouling was everything I did this time...

I'm reading the maintaining and translocating techniques right now.

And for the abduction method, remember that feeling fear its very important.
Try to forget JUST for a second that the abduction will be a simulation.