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Running very slowly.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:34 am
by JorgeLTE
Since I was a child, I remember that in almost every single dream I have, I can't run at full speed, and I feel a lot of fatigue in my legs, or very low gravity.

Now that I have had some phase experiences, I can say that I have the same problem during most of the phases.

Which kind of technique should I use to overcome this?
Also, gravity seems to be pretty weak. When I try to fall and have a hard landing, I just fall gently until I touch the floor.

Re: Running very slowly.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:20 am
by Michael Raduga
All I can say to you that you need much more practice with this skill and make phases deeper. I don't think it's a big problem in a full-fledged phase, if you don't have some mental blocks

Re: Running very slowly.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:17 pm
by wiii
I also have this problem with running,and flying,it feels like I am running low of energy,and if i insist,i may ruin the phase!!
I think it requires lots of concentration and we must be very deep in the phase,in my opinion to not move the actual phisycal body!
If you are not deep in the phase,the brain may shut down fast moving to prevent physical body to move!That is why i think we must be very deep in the phase!
Cause the feeling i have when i cannot run or make fast moves is identical with the feeling that i had in SP,felt stuck like i was glued on the bed,so it might be the brain preventing rapid movements by  this cause!
Anyway I am just saying,i have nothing to preve that is right,but this seems a good explanation for me!


Re: Running very slowly.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:43 am
by dreamsrock
I think you're right on Willy!  In dreams I can never pull the trigger of my gun and I have a hard time hitting the brake pedal to stop my car from crashing????
if you don't have some mental blocks
Let's hear it for mental blocks!  We must all have them.  :-\ The last couple times I haven't been able to jump thru my bathroom mirror.  I get stuck half way and have to pry myself thru.  I'm gonna have to try a different method for translocating.

Re: Running very slowly.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:01 am
by JorgeLTE
dreamsrock wrote: In dreams I can never pull the trigger of my gun
OMG me too!!! hahahhaha

For me, the trigger guard is so freaking small that my finger can't fit inside.
It's horrible. Specially when you are in front of a lot of zombies and end up using your gun as a club.  ;D

Re: Running very slowly.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:17 am
by dreamsrock