Re: Art and OBE

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Art and OBE

Post by Papus »

Is there a connection between Art and OOBE? in 1992 I had my first OOBE I remember falling  in a cone shape colourful  tunnel it was beautiful. when I woke up, I had the urge to do pastel art, the funny thing was I did not know anything about drawing painting or any kind of art forms. I bought some pastel (oil) and started drawing it was awful, but I had an indiscrebible urge to draw with pastel, I took lessons, and got pretty good, sort of.

Years past, and I eventually stop having OOBE and overrtime the urge of doing drawings and paintings faded away albeit I was still thinking about it. A few years past (10 years) and OBE came back (last month) and the urge of doing art came back full force, but his time I wanted to do pencil drawings. I drew the picture of the Astral piramid, and it looked pretty good at it. I am now draeings with pencils. for some reason drawing with pencils and charcoal as a medium comes easy to me.

I am wondering if OBE and Art are related, I tend to believe that; what do you think?
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Re: Art and OBE

Post by Rudolph »

I think you may be onto something here.
Many of the techniques, listening in, observing, phantom wiggling, etc. require vivid imagination and going with a creative flow in the deeper levels of consciousness.
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Re: Art and OBE

Post by CKing71 »

I like the question very much, thank you for it, and would also like to comment, from the way I look at it.
I've always been a little artsy, even as a kid, but stopped doing drawings or paintings for many years a long time ago. I'm not sure why, but almost immediately after my NDE, I began feeling like Richard Dreyfuss in, Close Encounters of The Third Kind.

Constantly driven toward something I cannot put my finger on. Dwelling on it 24-7 whatever it is, and not knowing the reason for it. 9 Years later I still have no idea what some-of my drawings even mean. For a while it was frustrating for me to even think about why I even care so much about it.

As near as I can figure my art is trying to tell me something about myself. Something that is still hidden from me. My ink drawings, to me, seem to have consciousness of their own. It often seems like the drawing or painting, is what a feeling might look like, If you could paint or draw one, or a sound, if you could see one.

Some of my art doesn't even make sense to me sometimes. I just follow the desire to move my hand, see colors next to each other and then the endorphins stream-out and on to the canvas.
I'm not aware of my body even being in the room as it happens, It feels pretty good. OOB feels pretty good too. The endorphin-streams tell me I'm on the right track. It's like picking up bread-crumbs in the labyrinth. Discovering the way in or discovering the way out makes no difference, it's all good.

Other peoples art, affect, effect, me the same way. Summerlander's is fascinating as all hell to me. To me, art can be a two way street for describing OOBE, from my mind's eye, it can be an affect or effect, and when one thinks about it, is the mind's eye really seeing images at all, or is it just an arrangement of neuron patterns in my out of body brain? Most would believe the later is true. But when I imagine, I really think I'm seeing images, and when I hear sounds, what images appear in my mind?

Knowing what all this is, is compelling me.

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Re: Art and OBE

Post by desertrose3 »

That's an interesting connection. I guess some of the techniques requires you to access the creative part of your brain so maybe there's a link there.
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