Re: Telepathic?

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Post by Luna »

The other morning I was dreaming that my son asked for something to which I replied "no darling that isn't good for you" He started crying at the same time he started crying in his sleep in real life. This has happened to me so many times before. Also with the alarm clock....or a phone. An alarm goes of in my dream but really it's my phone ringing in waking life. What do you think the correlation is? Is it coincidence, are we all telepathically linked? Or are we all just plain old telepathic?
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Re: Telepathic?

Post by 12padams »

Also with the alarm clock....or a phone. An alarm goes of in my dream but really it's my phone ringing in waking life.
I always experience this... twice this morning. A door in my dream was a door opening in real life and an open window in my dream was a fan in real life.

Yes I do believe the phase has a telepathic link. I have received confirmed semi-personal proof here:

I am currently performing an experiment with my mum to see if asking me a question within the phase will allow my mum to access my subconscious and receive the right answer. Check out our experiment here:

Also I have posted a "Question" in the all questions section of the forum to see who else has experienced telepathic connections here:

If you check out the first post of my blog there is a summary of my ideas about the phase. My current view of what the phase is has been inserted below:

What is the Phase and is it more than purely a creation of your own mind?:
"I now believe the phase is more than purely a creation of my own mind. Whether or not the nonphysical environment and creatures/people within the phase are “realâ€
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Re: Telepathic?

Post by Luna »

I also find fascinating that the dream actually sets up the scenario before it all actually unfolds!!! Such trippy stuff.
have even had a dream about you... don't know if this is telepathic but here it is

"Less than a minute later I found Luna (from the SOBT forums) complaining that her iPad was also taken. She begged the police for at least $800 so that she could buy a replacement. They declined to accept however and instead violently pushed her away. I find this part of the dream quite amazing as I actually saw Luna and heard her speak even though I have never met her in real life. I can’t believe my brain generated a 3-D talking version of Luna within my dream just from her profile picture on the SOBT forums.

I was about to ask Luna how we were supposed to leave this virtual 1930’s world when suddenly the sleep cycle alarm went off and woke me up. I eagerly opened my iPad ready to check a graph of my sleep cycle.  For some reason however it was unable to detect any movement. Disappointedly I checked the time and noticed it was 7:52AM. It made absolutely no sense that the sleep cycle alarm went off since technically without movement detection it should have off at 8 AM. I am extremely confused yet quite interested at why it picked 7:52 AM to awaken me."
-Quoted from day 56
woah!!! That's pretty cool man!!
Sad to report that I have no recall of that situation though that doesn't mean that I wasn't there!!  ;D I have had plenty of mornings where I have woken up and known that I have previously been dreaming but have no recollection about the events.  PS. I love the 1930's!!! PPS. What was I wearing? Was I wearing the same striped jumper as my profile pic?
Last edited by Luna on Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Telepathic?

Post by 12padams »

PS. I love the 1930's!!! PPS. What was I wearing?
Sorry.... No idea since I usually only look at peoples faces rather than their cloths... But you were fully dressed... as in wearing a shirt and pants so obviously my "mind" generated random cloths for you (since your profile picture only shows your shirt and face).

Interesting how the only dream I had about you was set in a 1930's virtual world. This virtual world was accessed in my dream through an app on apple idevices in which you press a button and are transported into a simulated world similar to the phase. I was just exploring this world when suddenly my ipad (which I used to get there) was taken by the police and sold on a 1930s blackmarket for $100,00... In other words I was trapped and then found you. Mabey I found you because I always replied on you in real life at the beggining of my phase journey and since I was stuck in the "phase" (virtual 1930's world) and just happened to find you.

Anyway.. if your interested in this dream be sure to read day 56 of my eBook... I didn't post this dream on my blog since I only post phases...
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Re: Telepathic?

Post by robvann »

I have hopes to explore this too.
The concept that I have formed so far, is that the "spirit world" is out there for all of us to tap into.  Our brains are like radio receivers that can tune into it, presumably using the sub-concious part of our brains.  If I can learn to master OBE, then I hope to better explore this.
Using my radio analogy, our brains are more of a receiver than a transmitter.  Thus being able to CHANGE things would be like trying to change the song that is playing on the radio - impossible.  However, TWO different people should be able to "tune in" to the same thing, if they try to.
Anyway you are way ahead of me in OBE, and I would be delighted if you were able to test my theory. You would need two Phasers to try to view the same thing/place, then check with each other afterwords.
- Rob

What is the Phase and is it more than purely a creation of your own mind?:
"I now believe the phase is more than purely a creation of my own mind. Whether or not the nonphysical environment and creatures/people within the phase are “realâ€
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Re: Telepathic?

Post by 12padams »

Anyway you are way ahead of me in OBE, and I would be delighted if you were able to test my theory. You would need two Phasers to try to view the same thing/place, then check with each other afterwords.
Ah yes... The problem is that it may seem that I am experienced however my "success" is over a 3 month period. That's why it seems like I enter the phase so often (especially since I have a snippets section on my blog).

I do have some information however that may interest you yet due to how long ago it happened I haven't posted it here. It is good further proof of telepathic connections. Basically around April/May 2009 when I first found out about astral projection I thought I couldn't do it myself and needed to be "pulled out" of my body by another person.

I signed up to spiritual and found a topic in the "astral projection" section about an astral meet-up (planning a place/time) to all astral project (enter the phase) and play "astral tag" in Paris. I said I would love to join in but I can't astral project by myself. The topic starter "phanes" (who I still am in contact with today) said that was no problem he could just "pull me out of my body while I slept at night".

So I went to bed that night as a super excited 15 year old to journey into the "astral dimension" (phase). When I awoke however I remembered absolutely nothing. I lost all hope in astral projection and no longer believed it was real... Until I spoke with phanes (his real name is Tony) a few days latter. We exchanged email adresses and were chatting away in an instant messenger in no time.

He said that I had a good time but while taking me back to my body an astral creature attacked me (wanting to take my physical body for itself) and I blacked out (teleported to my body and had my memory blocked). I believed "oh how convenient" as I thought this whole thing was a scam. Yet everything changed a few minutes latter.

He told me that the memory of the experience is not lost entirely and by deeply focusing I may be able to retrieve it. Without telling him I visualized what I may have done and suddenly a fragment of visual memory came to me. I saw myself flying past the top of the eifle tower.

I had a first person view and while flying past the highest point (top) of the tower a dark creature attempted grabing me but I flew past it and it's claws missed me by an inch. Then after dodging it I did many loops and flying tricks for a bit of fun.

I then asked Tony what happened and halfway though he recalled to me exactly what I saw without telling him. The exact details of what I did and saw while visualizing. That in itself is proof of a telepathic link yet even more interesting is that the others in the meet up group also recalled the events. Sadly I can't link to any proof due to spiritual forums having a massive server problem and losing all the forum posts/topics from 2007-2010 (my lost post was in 2009).

So there we go... A meet up with detailed memory at the same place and time. That's proof but it wasn't scientifically annalysed and is now lost.

Also... Robvann I can see you like my current theory(you quoted it). I came up with this theory after all I have experienced so far personally. I don't include what phanes has told me about the "astral dimension" since I have no proof about it fully being true yet. Hopefully in the future I will expand on it since I have my whole life and about 50 more books to write.
Last edited by 12padams on Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Telepathic?

Post by robvann »

12padams wrote: I had a first person view and while flying past the highest point (top) of the tower a dark creature attempted grabing me but I flew past it and it's claws missed me by an inch. Then after dodging it I did may loops and flying tricks for a bit of fun.
(Luna: Sorry to take over your thread)
Interesting.  I remember chatting with a group of people back in the 80's who were trying to do this.  I would read their logs of their adventures in some pre-internet forums at that time (UseNEt, etc.). It all seemed quite fantastical.  I think I also got scared off, by some of the "dark creature" associations.
Do you think the "dark creature" came from within your immagination, or something external?
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Re: Telepathic?

Post by 12padams »

Do you think the "dark creature" came from within your immagination, or something external?
This was a long time ago... but it was more of a "sit in front of the computer with my eyes closed" situation while I wrote down what I thought was hypnogogic imagery. I did not actually remember first hand experiencing anything... It just seemed that my hypnogogic imagery was an actual memory of an event that tony and the others were able to recall without me telling them.

In other words I can't say that it was due to fear since I was relaxed when I saw this.
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Re: Telepathic?

Post by 12padams »

It sounds like it was just suggestive memory.
Consciousness Explained, by Dan Dennett, talks about Orwellian and Stallian memory.  Here you can add and subtract things to your memory.
Were you referring to the light switch panel incident in my last phase or the weak memory of my forgotten astral experience 3 years ago?
Likewise..a poor memory is probably caused by lack of sleep.  I have read some of your ideas about trying to stay awake all night and some people are following that too.  Michael recommends a good night's sleep for success. 
Ah I love these things :) I am doing another awake all night experiment tonight... Its not really awake all night... just having intention not to fall asleep and not care if you get no sleep. Basically stay still and watch your body fall asleep... I heard the obe rushing sounds on my 2nd experiment but got so startled by them that I moved and stuffed everything up.
How many attempts you make per week?
I attempt this awake all night thing about once a week now (did it last monday and gunna do it tonight)
I attempt to enter the phase by using some type of technique 3 times per week and try remembering the basics of my dreams on my rest days.
Do you try direct techniques?
I dislike dropping deeply in and out of consciousness... Its not needed to enter the phase but It can cut down the time from hours to just half an hour. My awake all night experiment is practically what you could call an "Indirect Technqiue" or a "WILD" (Wake Induced Lucid Dream)
However, since you blame the phase for bad memory, if you stopped for a while it might get better... but not because of the phase or aliens...but because of better sleep on your break from the phase.
In either case, I hope that your memory gets better and that you are at peace
Sleep is always a problem for me... I only get about 5-8 hours sleep a night max... (not due to phase practice but due to my parents making me look after my sister in the early morning and forcing me to stay up late)

It was just a single memory problem which inserted the idea that my sisters room had 3 light switches instead of 1... not that big of a deal but I haven't been able to enter the phase since then mostly due to fear from my day 77 experience... my last phase was 79 but that was plagued was avoidance of my plan of action due to fear...

Tonight is like day 105 soooo long since my last phase yet I am super exited because I am gonna repeat "I am dreaming" while remaining motionless the whole night... that's gotta be an interesting experience :)

-Sorry for going a little of topic here...
Last edited by 12padams on Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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