Re: personal experiances

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personal experiances

Post by awaken »

Hello , I'm new to the forum , I just wanted to share my experience. I also wanted to know if I have been correct in thinking that it was a phase experience ?

Last summer ( 2009) I had a friend that messaged me , saying he had an out of body experience . He said it was the craziest thing ever . So I searched the internet and came across a website about lucid dreaming . The site had some information on what lucid dreaming was and how to achieve it . The site also had a forum where people could share experiences and help others . So I decided to try some of the techniques out . ( I have always had dreams , dreams that are really vivid that I remember as memories rather than a dream .)  So I started the dream journal . Seems like  the first night I dreamt a dream and in the morning recorded it . The night after was when I encountered the Phase .The dream was located in my home town , But something seemed different about it.
It was a summers morning and i stepped outside to get the paper , when I looked down the road. A little ways off was a street filled with zombies coming towards me . At this point I remember running in the house and locking all the doors behind me .And then I thought " wait ... I'm dreaming, this would never really be happening.( I also think that I had experienced a dream anchor i think? Because when I recall the dream I always remember seeing my hand turning a gold knob on one of the doors in detail  and that's when reality set in .)After I knew I was dreaming I tried a technique that I had seen on the website . I spun in a circle fast like I was trying to get dizzy . When I stopped I was just out side the house and completely had forgotten about the zombies... Then I noticed a Metro bus going down the street .( which was weird because there are generally not metro bus's in a rural area . ) Then I jumped on top of the bus as it passed my by the street. Then I wake up .

so I guess I'm just wondering Was this a phase experiance?
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Michael Raduga
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Re: personal experiances

Post by Michael Raduga »

Of course, it was.
But it will be more amazing when you get it by separation from your body
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Re: personal experiances

Post by dreamsrock »

I slept 7 hrs last night.  Woke up, took kids to school and went back to bed 1.5 hrs later.  Almost exactly 90 min later I was laying there trying to get back to sleep and got this sudden, intense shock and I was in vibrations.  I got my left arm all the way out and waved it around - sooo cool! But then some doubt set in and I lost it.  This seemed more like a direct technique because I was awake for a while before the vibrations. 

If I decided to take a nap at noon, would I still be able to enter phase?  And would it have to be for at least 90 min to enter REM or could it be shorter?
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Michael Raduga
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Re: personal experiances

Post by Michael Raduga »

A nap at noon is one of the best windows to enter the phase.

And you always must be straightforward. As soon as you got the  phantom wiggling you should immediatly tried to separate from the body.
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Re: personal experiances

Post by dreamsrock »

Great, thanks so much for the encouragement and tips!
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