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Intresting Experince

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:11 am
by ElRaay
Michael i had another experience but this time im just a little confused about what happened. I woke up this morning and started to do some indirect techniques. I started with trying to roll out of my body after i woke up but nothing happened. So i starting to strain the brain and then phantom wiggling. After that i tried to see images behind my eyes but all i saw was a dark void. So then i tried again with all the same techniques. I did about 2 1/2 cycles but i think i fell asleep during the third cycle.
Now here is the wierd part and that in my dream i was being taught how to exit my body during sleep. So in the dream i went to sleep i closed my eyes and started to do the excerises i just did. This time i exit the body and started deepening techniques. Then i realized i was not only out of my body but it was a dream but i thought both were the same. The only thing i remember after that was i was on a beach.

My question is was i succcesful in exiting or was it just a dream of me practicing the phase. It was very wierd.

P.S Was i making any mistakes in my techniques/cycles? Ive been practicing for about 5 attempts now and this is the closest to a lucid or the phase moment that ive had. Thank you.

Re: Intresting Experince

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:18 am
by Michael Raduga
Then i realized i was not only out of my body but it was a dream but i thought both were the same
In this moment you were in the phase but it seems very short phase and not deepened

Re: Intresting Experince

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:18 pm
by ElRaay
Thats great Michael thanks! i hope your new video will help me out as well. It was a very interesting experience i plan to attempt again tomorrow and the weekends. When will your new video come out?

Re: Intresting Experince

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:50 am
by Michael Raduga
Maybe, on this week. We almost did it, but I am not satisfied with it...

Re: Intresting Experince

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:13 am
by ElRaay
So anxious to see the video. I took a break from practicing so i can get a better view than just the handbook. I suggest you post the video onĀ  youtube too, im sure it will get alot of views. Eww I can't wait!!