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Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:14 am
by Wonderer
Hi, every time I hear the sounds it goes by fast, sort of an explosion sound or a loud whoosh, but it stops within a second and I dont seem to be able to continue it.  Interesting thing, after looking up OBE I learned of that sound, but I actually had it happen to me since I was a young boy.  Anyways, if anyone can suggest how I can make the sound continue so I can separate? 

Re: Sounds

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:05 am
by TheOnerous
I have a similar problem with visuals, so will be interested to see what to do.

Re: Sounds

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:03 pm
by Michael Raduga
I think you should not focus on one technique, especially when you cannot use it properly.

Anyway, practicing it during the day will help you perform it better in the right moment

Re: Sounds

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:36 pm
by Wonderer
Michael Raduga wrote: I think you should not focus on one technique, especially when you cannot use it properly.

Anyway, practicing it during the day will help you perform it better in the right moment
Well thats the thing, I dont really go for that technique, I go for visual, since I can work with it better, but the sounds just come on on their own.  That is why I ask, since they come on their own, I want to see if I can utilize them and or perfect them.  The problem is, that if I dont do something about it, then they interfere with everything else I try to do, thats my main problem 

Re: Sounds

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:06 pm
by Michael Raduga
You know, if it happens upon awakenings, it means phases at least in 90% of all cases

Re: Sounds

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:15 pm
by Wonderer
Michael Raduga wrote: You know, if it happens upon awakenings, it means phases at least in 90% of all cases
Sorry, I guess I should have mentioned, that it happens when I actually try to fall asleep

Re: Sounds

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:22 pm
by wiii
Sorry, I guess I should have mentioned, that it happens when I actually try to fall asleep

Maybe you fall directly into the phase:D  ;)
Next time you hear the sound,try to stand up very agressively,just with your upper body!Nothing can happen even if you are not in the phase!
You got nothing to lose ;D


Re: Sounds

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:09 pm
by Luna
it happens when I actually try to fall asleep
This happens to me too along with ALOT of other things. I don't bother trying to persue it though. It's much easier to get the Phase on awakening. It's almost instant. In my opinion I would ignore all the goings on before sleep (untill you are very experienced) and persue the Phase apon awakening.  :D

Then again you can do what you like  ;)

Re: Sounds

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:45 pm
by Wonderer
Luna wrote:
it happens when I actually try to fall asleep
This happens to me too along with ALOT of other things. I don't bother trying to persue it though. It's much easier to get the Phase on awakening. It's almost instant. In my opinion I would ignore all the goings on before sleep (untill you are very experienced) and persue the Phase apon awakening.  :D

Then again you can do what you like  ;)
Well, Im trying to do both, Im still learning how to naturally wake up.  Any suggestions?

Re: Sounds

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:17 pm
by Luna
focus on one thing at a time. Don't try to do both would be my suggestion ie direct techniques and indirect. I got the same advice from Michael. It will just cause alot of frustration with no results.

Forget everything you've been trying to do and focus on trying to conciously waking up without movement. Real intention and determination before sleep really helps.Then when you achieve that, focus on rolling out or cycling indirect techniques.