
Need a Topic for a Scholar Paper?

If at university or at work you are looking for a topic for an academic paper, then you can look for patterns in the results of our survey of almost a thousand people on the streets of Moscow in 2019. This data is legitimate, uploaded to Mendeley and has already been used in various publications.

It was the world’s first survey in which people were simultaneously asked about sleep duration, dream frequency, lucid dreams, sleep paralysis, false awakenings, and out-of-body experiences. As you can imagine, you can find many unique patterns.

The database contains 981 questionnaires and 29 columns of data with explanations (without personal data).

What has already been found and published: general distribution of phase phenomena, correlation of phase phenomena, correlation of phase phenomena with the recommended duration of sleep, female predisposition to certain phase states.

Download the Mendeley database: (“Survey on lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis, out-of-body experiences, and false awakening”)

Remember to cite the source correctly!

P.S. Open the database in statistical programs or text editors, as exel incorrectly formats the data.